Angelica Maestas

Entrepreneur, Advocate and Ambition Coach

I'm the founder of HealthTech Rx, an ignitor program helping healthtech startups scale their MVPs.I also podcast, blog and speak on issues impacting women and their success in the workplace.I'm all about advancing health equity, helping entrepreneurs succeed, and empowering women to lead. I believe in expressing gratitude, embracing the #evolvetogether vibe, and having a kick-ass leadership mindset. I'm using my passion to support the communities I care about. I'm working to make an impact. #entrepreneurs #servingthecommunity.

© Angelica Maestas. All rights reserved.

Podcast & Blog

I'm the host of "She's Ambitious AF" a bold and empowering podcast that turns up the volume on female entrepreneurship. We dive headfirst into the wild world of boss babes, where we spill the tea on all things ambition, success, and the occasional hilarious disaster. From juggling the highs and lows of running a business to navigating the maze of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, we dish out the straight talk and remind you that being a kickass entrepreneur is no job for the faint-hearted. Subscribe and listen to "She's Ambitious AF" on can also follow me on where I blog about all of the above!

About Me

I am in a constant state of evolution and I love it. The me of tomorrow is always a hair different than the me of today - just a tiny bit wiser. I'm eternally grateful that the hardships of my youth yielded a caring, ambitious and resilient human being who has been blessed with amazing people and experiences. A few of those people include my amazing husband, two beautiful daughters and two wonderful "bonus" children. I also have two canine children that complete our family unit!

Book Me to Speak

I speak about the topics I'm most passionate about - using technology to advance health equity, empowering women to be great leaders and the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship.I give presentations to audiences of all sizes, from intimate seminars to audiences of 500+ at conferences, including a presentation to the White House!


Reach out if you'd like to book me to speak or if you have an interest in being a guest or sponsor of my podcast!